
Goosebumps:-Inherited but useless ??

What if i throw chilling water on you or scare you will a big booom?? Your initial reaction will be a shock or after that you will yell at me.But why i am talking about this to you?? Thats because we are going to discuss about an ancient phenomenon which is inherited but has no use for us today.And that is Goosebumps. What are goosebumps ?? Let us get inside bathroom and gather some courage to take a bath.When you stand naked or after pouring cold water on your body, you will observe tiny pores rising up on your skin like our hairs on arms and legs will stand and cause uneven skin and thats what we call goosebumps . These are one of the inherited traits we got from our ancestors . And these are mostly useless now a days. We will know the reason further in the blog. When do Goosebumps occur?? There are mainly 3 reasons for goosebumps to occur: Reaction to cold Reaction to shock (fear) Reaction to music How do goosebumps occur ?? Goosebumps occur when w

How our kitchen is shortening our lifespan by 10-15 years ??

Do you want to live for 80-90 years ?? I wish i can and many of you will also.And if someone of you don't want to live long than you must rethink and rediscover your aim and ambition. So, its clear that we all want to live long but the thing really matters is that are we trying to do so ?? Some of you may say YES, you might be exercising to keep your body young and you must be doing it but you are doing so because you know that it is beneficial. You know that smoking and drinking is injurious to health and its best to avoid it. But what if i say that you are destroying your health by your choice. And that choice is of the types of cookware you use to cook your food.YES that's correct , by the choice of your cookware you can increase of decrease your lifespan. As when we cook some part of the utensil/cookware gets into our food and affects our health. Our choice decides our destiny... So let us understand this topic in some detail as it is going to add so

How do they measure distance in space ??

One night i was surfing on my mobile and i came to know that nearest galaxy to us is  Andromeda Galaxy which is about 2.5 million light years away from us. After reading it i was amazed and one question pooped up in my mind that  How do scientists measure distance between objects in space ?? First of all let us understand that distance in space is measured with reference to light i.e. in light years. One light year is the distance which light travels in one year which is approx 10 trillion km (9,500,000,000,000 km) which is so huge. 1.How do we measure distance with light ?? We measure distance by using time taken by light to reach at an object and multiplied that time with speed of light.For example Suppose light takes 2 hours to reach from one object to another. So the distance= speed*time                         = 1,080,000,000km/hr * 2hr                         = 2,160,000,000 km 2.But nearest galaxy is 2.3 million light years away, so do we need to wait 2.3

Earth Overshoot Day !!!

Today i am here with a very important topic which i need to discuss with you all which is EARTH OVERSHOOT DAY . We all are aware that we humans are special creatures on this earth because among all creatures only we can develop our self and surrounding to extreme levels. But we are also aware about the consequences of this development which are air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution and many other factors. In other words, we humans in ease of developing ourselves are destroying our precious mother earth.We are eating the earth and using it to its extreme levels and result to it is, on 1st August this year we have used all the resources of earth in this year.It means humans have already used all the natural resources the earth can produce this year. The Earth overshoot day is the day every year beyond which the planet's limited resources will be used unsustainably for the rest of the year. Number of planets needed if we will live like:- Qataris are using e

How does nuclear bomb works ??

Approximately 73 years ago, humans witnessed the limits to which any human can go for his/her satisfaction.On august 6, 1945 , Japan suffered a great loss done by United States by dropping one of the most destructive weapon of its time Nuclear bomb .  But what is so special about any nuclear bomb?? Everyone says that it is very destructive and can destroy anything ,but question is HOW ?? How a bomb can cause this much destruction?? Let us know it here in this blog. This blog will be little bit scientific so i will try to keep it simple and we will understand basics by leaving the complications.  Let us start with its principle Atomic bombs work on the principle of fission .To understand this firstly know about atoms. Atom is a positive mass consists of proton and neutron in center with negatively charged electrons revolving around it. As you go up the ladder to atoms their mass , number of protons, neutrons and electrons increases and they become complex. Scientists found t

History of calender

From years we humans are using calendars to determine the date or days. In fact our very first task after getting up from sleep is to look at calendar and plan accordingly. But you ever thought that from where these calendars are originated ??  Let us start with What is calendar?? A calendar is a system of organizing days for social, religious, commercial or administrative purpose.This is done by giving names to periods of time typically like day, weeks, months and years. The term calendar is taken from calendae, the term for first day of month in the roman calendar,related to the verb calare "to call out", referring to the "calling" of the new moon when it was first seen. Latin calendarium meant "account book, register" (as accounts were settled and debts were collected on the calends of each month). The Latin term was adopted in Old French as calendier and from there in Middle English as calender by the 13th century (the spelling calendar is

Why we have different blood types ??

In spite of being so large in population, it is said that we all are relative to each other and have same blood but we don't have same blood type. Its confusing that why do we have different blood ?? Let us know it here. Blood is body fluids in humans and animals that deliver necessary substances like nutrients and oxygen in body.  It contains erythrocytes, leucocytes, thrombocytes ( platelets) and plasma. Humans have 8 blood types. Blood has Red blood cells :-They are delivery and carrier boys of our body. They used to transport nutrients and oxygen to all parts of body. White blood cells :-They are considered body guards in our body.They used to fight against any harmful cell, bacteria or infection in our body. Platelets :-Platelets are tiny blood cells that help your blood cells that help our body form clots to stop bleeding. We are done with introduction about blood.Now let us come to our question that why here are different blood types ?? Blood have hemo