Goosebumps:-Inherited but useless ??

What if i throw chilling water on you or scare you will a big booom??
Your initial reaction will be a shock or after that you will yell at me.But why i am talking about this to you??
Thats because we are going to discuss about an ancient phenomenon which is inherited but has no use for us today.And that is Goosebumps.

What are goosebumps ??

Let us get inside bathroom and gather some courage to take a bath.When you stand naked or after pouring cold water on your body, you will observe tiny pores rising up on your skin like our hairs on
arms and legs will stand and cause uneven skin and thats what we call goosebumps.

These are one of the inherited traits we got from our ancestors .And these are mostly useless now a days.We will know the reason further in the blog.

When do Goosebumps occur??

There are mainly 3 reasons for goosebumps to occur:
  • Reaction to cold
  • Reaction to shock (fear)
  • Reaction to music

How do goosebumps occur ??

Goosebumps occur when we feel cold, fear, shock or any emotional situation to react. During these situation our brain releases stress hormone Adrenaline. This adrenaline gives signal to muscles(arrector pilli  muscle) next to body hair to contract and hairs stand straight which helps in isolation and giving illusion of bigger size.

Why do goosebumps occur ??

So until now we got to know when and how goosebumps occur but why do they occur ?? In our body most of the parts and phenomenons play an essential role for our survival but goosebumps are mostly useless now a days.

Let us go back in time to our ancestors, during that time human civilization was new to earth and use to have long and dense hairs on body like other animals. Goosebumps use to occur in the body for :-
  • Insulation
  • For fight (Bigger size)
  • For flight


And during winters goosebumps occurs which helps in insulation of body and help to survive in
winters like now a days animals do.
With the passage of time, humans developed themselves and we started to wear clothes and found other stuff to protect ourselves from winter.

For fight (Bigger size)

During a fight we try to look deep in our enemies eyes and try to make him afraid and show ourself courageous and strong. Same phenomenon was in past, during any fight adrenaline was releasesd  which causes goosebumps and make hairs stand which helps to look bigger in size to make enemy afraid and protect yourself.

For flight

During any shock or attack, Adrenaline rushes in body which
causes goosebumps to occur and helps in easy flight or jump away from the attacker and helps in saving the life.
But in humans, we developed our self and changes occur in our body which caused less hairs.

With this development, human body adapted and the body hairs transformed to be thin, short and less in density.But the goosebumps remained there and gets inherited to younger generation.

So we can say them as inherited by mostly useless...

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