How our kitchen is shortening our lifespan by 10-15 years ??

Do you want to live for 80-90 years ??
I wish i can and many of you will also.And if someone of you don't want to live long than you must rethink and rediscover your aim and ambition.

So, its clear that we all want to live long but the thing really matters is that are we trying to do so ??
Some of you may say YES, you might be exercising to keep your body young and you must be doing it but you are doing so because you know that it is beneficial. You know that smoking and drinking is injurious to health and its best to avoid it.
But what if i say that you are destroying your health by your choice.
And that choice is of the types of cookware you use to cook your food.YES that's correct , by the choice of your cookware you can increase of decrease your lifespan.
As when we cook some part of the utensil/cookware gets into our food and affects our health.
Our choice decides our destiny...

So let us understand this topic in some detail as it is going to add some value in your life.
To understand this i have divided cookwares in different categories on the basis of their goodness, starting from worst and going towards best and at the end their is a bonus for all.

At the end of each category there is a link to buy that type of cookware. You can click on that link and you will be directed to Amazon where you can see and shop the cookware if you want.

5. Non stick cookware (WORST)

One of the most famous type of cookware in today's market due to convenience. They are easy to clean and as its name suggests food don't stick to the pan .
Being the most famous they are the most dangerous:-
  • Most dangerous 
  • They are covered with Teflon (Poly tetra fluoro ethylene) which is very toxic for our body.
  • Smoke of Teflon consists of harmful chemicals with mercury and cadmium
  • This smoke can effect the brain as well as lungs badly.
  • Some of the pans are covered with PFOA which causes cancer.
 A German sued a company because the fumes from the non stick utensil killed his parrot.
Buy from:

4. Aluminium cookware (BAD)

Aluminium cookware are present abundantly in market due to their benefits like they are lightweight, strong, versatile, and has good thermal conductivity, and they are recyclable .
Being so versatile, they are bad for our health:
  • It slowly leaches in food 
  • Only 13% nutrients are left after cooking the food in aluminium cookware.
  • It is thyroid toxic metal.
  • It leads to skin problems, lack of energy, paralysis, liver problem, heart and brain problems.
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3. Stainless Steel (JUST OKAY)

Stainless steel is other choice which we get in market.It is made by mixture of chromium and nickel.
It is better but not safe.
  • It has extra nickel to provide shine and nickel is deadly.
  • Cookware with copper base is not recommended as it react with oils.
Buy from:

2. Cast iron (GOOD)

  • Cast iron is good for cooking. 
  • Food cooked in it is said to enrich the blood in the body.
  • These are heavy and need care to protect from rust.
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  Brass (GOOD)

  • It is also good for cooking food.
  • It retains 93% nutrients of the food
  • But it need care while washing.
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  Glass (GOOD)

  • It is recommended to be used in microwave.
  • As plastic utensils are harmful.
  • So it is advised to use glass.
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  Bronze (GOOD)

  • These can be considered as best modern cookware.
  • It retains 97% nutrients of food.
  • Food cooked in it is known to increase intelligence, is tasty and easy to digest.
Buy now:

1. Clay cookware (BEST)

Clay cookware are the best. They are the most healthiest for us.We don't use them because they cook food slowly. 
As we are in an era where we exchange our time with money and avoid investing it in other things like cooking which is responsible for our life.
  • It retains 100% of nutrients in the food.
  • It has minerals like magnesium, iron , phosphorous, and many more naturally in it.
  • Clay cookware are known for their health benefits.
  • Food coked in these are tasty.
  • Where other cookware takes 15 minutes to cook, clay cookware takes 25 minutes.
Buy now:

So from this blog we can conclude that:

5. Non stick cookware                      Worst                      🌟                  Link:
4. Aluminium cookware                    Bad                         ðŸŒŸðŸŒŸ              Link:
3. Stainless steel cookware             Just Okay               ðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸ         Link:
2. Cast iron cookware                       Good                     ðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸ     Link:   
    Brass cookware                             Good                     ðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸ       Link:
    Glass cookware                             Good                     ðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸ       Link:
    Bronze cookware                           Good                     ðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸ       Link:
1. Clay cookware                               Best                       ðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸ    Link:

We change our doctor if we don't get well but we continue to use the same product without changing it. This is all due to advertising and marketing. So let us raise our mindset and try to bring a better change. You can buy the cookware from the links provided above.


Now its time for bonus.

Pressure cooker:Now a days every house has pressure cooker and uses it for most of the cooking. Pressure cooker was never a part of Indian cooking heritage. It is a foreign cookware which has made its place in Indian kitchen.
And the food cooked in this is very low in nutrients. Food is not cooked, it is broken. Food losses 90% of nutrients in pressure cooker.
Being so harmful why do we use it. It is used because it cooks food in less time and uses less fuel.

As i mentioned earlier, we are in that era where we invest our time more in materialistic things rather then spending it in value addition.

Silver cookware:Traditionally used silver cookware are very healthy for food.The food cooked in silver cookware is known to kill germs, give coolness to body, calmness and gives energy to nerves.But they are expensive.

After writing this blog, i am thinking that our technological advancement is leading to a destination which looks great but from inside its shallow. But it can be and will be improved as we are the future and we will create a better version.

For any query , suggestion or feedback feel free to comment below or reach me at:
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