
Showing posts from July, 2018

Why we have different blood types ??

In spite of being so large in population, it is said that we all are relative to each other and have same blood but we don't have same blood type. Its confusing that why do we have different blood ?? Let us know it here. Blood is body fluids in humans and animals that deliver necessary substances like nutrients and oxygen in body.  It contains erythrocytes, leucocytes, thrombocytes ( platelets) and plasma. Humans have 8 blood types. Blood has Red blood cells :-They are delivery and carrier boys of our body. They used to transport nutrients and oxygen to all parts of body. White blood cells :-They are considered body guards in our body.They used to fight against any harmful cell, bacteria or infection in our body. Platelets :-Platelets are tiny blood cells that help your blood cells that help our body form clots to stop bleeding. We are done with introduction about blood.Now let us come to our question that why here are different blood types ?? Blood have hemo

Why bulls hate red ??

Bullfighting is a famous sport and many people lose their lives to these bulls.Everyone of us use to get goosebumps while watching bullfighting or crossing close to any bull and especially when we are wearing something red. From decades it is considered dangerous to take anything red in front of bull. As it is considered that bulls hate red and they get aggressive by watching red color . But why is so ??   Why bulls hate red ?? To know this let us firstly know about red color. Red color have highest wavelength among all other colors.  Since red is the color of blood, it has historically been associated with sacrifice, danger and courage. Modern surveys in Europe and the United States show red is also the color most commonly associated with heat, activity, passion, sexuality, anger, love and joy. In China, India and many other Asian countries it is the color of symbolizing happiness and good fortune. So is high wavelength of red color and its significance with blood th

How Does Grenades Work ??

  Grenades are playing a vital role in wars and time of emergency from many decades. Being small in size they are effective too. But you ever thought that how can a small fruit like object can be so dangerous ?? Let us know about it today in this blog... A  grenade  is a small weapon  typically thrown by hand. Generally, a grenade consists of an explosive charge, a detonating mechanism, and firing pin to trigger the detonating mechanism. Originally  grenades were developed by Chinese around 100 0  AD and later Europeans come up with their gunpowder technology around 15th-16th century but their design was dangerous to use as they were made up of metal with gunpowder inside it and soldier needs to trigger this gunpowder with his own hands and throw it as soon as possible which most of the time causes danger for soldier's own life.But during 20th century, these were upgraded to much better and safer versions. It is interesting to know that word "Grenade"

Why do we dream ??

Yesterday i was running a 100 m race in Olympics 2020(Tokyo) and was able to break record of world's fastest man Usain Bolt by completing race in just 9.01 seconds and after taking the gold medal, i woke up and went for a bath. That was an amazing dream. Isn't it ??But what really the dreams are ?? Are they any prediction of future ?? Or our incomplete desire ?? Let us know about this interesting topic Why do we dream?? over here. A dream can be a combination of images, ideas, emotions and that usually occurs without our permission in the mind during certain stage of sleep.Many scientists are working to find the purpose of dreams.The scientific study of dreams is called oneirology .

Why glass is transparent ???

Put a piece of wood in front of your eyes are you able to see through it ??Maybe no, hold piece of plastic in front of you ,can you see through it ?? No. Hold a piece of glass in front of you , you can through it ,thats different than others.But why ?? Ask anyone around you that why glass is transparent, they will simply say that because it don't absorb light and allow it to pass through it , which is right but why so ??Why don't it absorb light like other materials do ?? Have you wondered that something so solid can be so invisible ?? To understand this we need to understand that what glass is and where it comes from.It all began in earths crust where two most common elements are silicon and oxygen .These react together to form silicon dioxide whose molecules arrange themselves in crystal form called quartz. Quartz are commonly found in sand and are main ingredients in types of glass. When quartz are heated high enough the energy makes the molecules vibr