
Showing posts from June, 2018

Why Cloudburst happens???

In this we will talk about very interesting question that how and why cloudbursts happens ?? But first of all we must know about types of clouds. 20 miles above from the earth space gets starts but between that 20 miles earth has its atmosphere which is made up of a number of layer.Clouds used to float between these layers Altostrats cloud: These cloud float between 2,000-6,000 ft above earth's surface.These clouds are in rapid motion and use to change their shape frequently.And quickly causes rain. Altocumulus clouds: These are similar to altostrats clouds.They floats upto 6000 ft above surface but they are small and of golden edges.At the time of sunrise they seem beautiful. Cirrus cloud: These float between 400-18,000 ft above surface.These are tailed shaped clouds and less dense. Cirrocumulus cloud: These clouds float upto 20,000 ft above surface.Thses clouds are small rounded puffs that usually appear in long rows high in the sky. Cirrostratus cloud: These fl

Mystery of magnets

Take a piece of wood and place it near another place of wood , nothing happens.Now place a piece of rock with another rock,nothing happens.But now put a piece of iron with another piece of magnets,magic happens. Do you know how magnets were discovered ?? Roughly 4,000 years ago, a Greek shepherd named  Magnes  is said to have been tending his sheep in a region of northern Greece called Magnesia . He took a step and suddenly found that the nails that held his shoe together and the metal tip of his staff were stuck fast to the rock he was standing on! Intrigued, he began digging and discovered the first recorded lodestone. Lodestones were henceforth known as “magnetite,” probably named after Magnes or Magnesia. Magnets are able to attract each other from long distances because they generate magnetic fields.It has two poles north and south.Like poles repel each other and opposite poles attract each other. But the mystery is from where these magnetic fields come form ?? We

The ABCD of Vitamins...

A,B,C,D,E,K These are not random alphabets,these are vitamins and just like letters makes words,these are the building block of our body. The value of eating a certain food was discovered much before vitamins were identified.The ancient Egyptians knew that feeding liver can help with night blindness but they donot know about the vitamins inside it. The term 'vitamin' was derived from " vitamine ",a compound word coined by Casimir Funk in 1912. So what really vitamins are?? and Why we consume them?? A vitamin is an organic compound and essential micro-nutrient that our body needs for proper functioning. They are body's builders,defenders and maintenance workers ,helping it to build muscle and bones,make use of nutrients ,use energy and heal wounds. There are 13 types of vitamins known today. While other organisms like fungi,bacteria and plants can produce their own vitamins but our body cant so we need to get them from other sources. Vitamin

At the end of Rainbow ??

One of the most beautiful and eye catching beauty of nature occurring in atmosphere is  R a i n b o w ,which occurs mostly during rain or after it. In Norse region ,the rainbow bridge called the bifrost which connects earth with heaven which can only used by gods and warriors who lost their lives in battle. In ancient beliefs of japan , rainbow was considered as bridge that was used by ancestors to descent the planet. But what really rainbow is ?? How its made ?? Rainbow is a natural phenomenon that is caused by reflection,refraction and dispersion of light in water droplets present in sky. Rainbows are full circles . However ,the observer mostly sees only an arc above the ground. But why rainbows are curved but not straight ?? This is because there are a collection of suspended droplets in air that are capable of concentrating the dispersed light at angle of 40-42 degree relative to original path of light. Everyone at different places can have different view of the

What happens during Lightning ??

Maybe none of natural phenomenons has aroused as much excitement,fear and questioning in our minds as much Lightning has done. Ancient people believed that lightning is god's punishment to those on whom he is angry.They thought it as punishment given by God Jupiter . But what really lightning is ?? With the help of science we came to know that lightning is a natural phenomenon in which a sudden electrostatic discharge occurs .Lightning is like a giant natural circuit breaker.When the balance in atmosphere's natural electrical charge overloads,it explodes.When there is friction between two clouds then the charges between them get attracted towards the opposite charges and to maintain electric neutrality(balance) electric discharge occurs which is visible to us as lightning . To know more about lightning we must discuss about its types.Mainly lightning is of three types: IntraCloud lightning: When lightning occurs between a single cloud due to striking of posit